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2024-02-22 00:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 个人相关笔记推荐链接关于Accpet之后的流程和状态变化总结1. proof邮件内容分块解读1.1 获取你的校对文件的步骤1.2 上传修正稿 2、校对稿首页的一般说明 在论文被接受并提交Final Version.pdf文件之后的第4天,收到了proof(校样)的要求。(注意:由于IEEE旗下期刊众多,编辑和负责人众多,所以在流程的细节上会大同小异),但是系统的操作流程都是一样的。 校稿时长为两天内(24-48小时)。


IEEE2023春季课程笔记-平台的使用和写作 IEEE刊物(期刊/会议)投稿超详细流程官方讲座(2022讲座笔记) IEEE论文从投稿到发表全流程案例说明 IEEE审稿意见与回复-写作指南


结合评论区补充(有问题可以先翻阅评论区): 从论文Accept后的IEEE投稿的后续流程如下: 1、Accept之后在系统上提交final file; 2、在系统上转让版权Transfer Copyright, 3、在IEEE Author Gateway上确认然后状态变成“In initial production stage with IEEE Publishing Operations”, 4、过一段时间预发表出来了,在IEEE Author Gateway上显示“with author for review and commentary”这个时候必须要通信作者登录IEEE Author Gateway确认(进行proof操作),完成后状态变成“In final production stage with IEEE Publishing Operations”,然后隔天就可以缴纳版面费了! 5、缴费之后慢慢等出版社排版发表即可。注意,校对稿件proof不会更新在early online version中,不用担心,正式发表后会替换为最终版本。(时间不定,看刊物排版)

1. proof邮件内容分块解读

Subject: Your IEEE proof for Paper Number XXX is now available 论文XXX可以校对了

Dear Prof. 通讯作者姓名

The proof for your article, paper title, is ready for your review. You may access your proof via the IEEE Author Gateway by following the steps below. Kindly log in to the website upon receipt of this message so that we may expedite the publication process. Please note that we do not accept updated source files at this point. Please annotate the proof pdf and upload through the Author Gateway by 29 June 2022. 告知我们文章可以检查了,并注明了时间(官方说明中给出的时间为24-48小时),检查不接受新的pdf源文件,需要在给定的校对pdf上进行注释

1.1 获取你的校对文件的步骤

Please see the following instructions to retrieve your proof:

If your e-mail client supports live Web browser links, please click on the link (URL) below to go to the login page to retrieve your proof. If your mail client does not support live links, run your browser software, copy the link below, paste it into the address box in your browser and press. https://authorgateway.ieee.org/ 进入这个网站后登陆,要注意proof的网站与投稿系统这个网站https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/的用户名和密码不同,需要自行注册,注册时使用与IEEE投稿系统相同的邮箱,另外一定要通讯作者登陆,因为共同作者没有校稿权限

You should now see the IEEE Author Gateway Login page in your browser.

Use your IEEE Web Account User name and Password to Login.

You should now see the Article Tracker IEEE Author Gateway page, with links to the Article Status page where you can download your proof and any associated documents under Resources. 点击Dashboard就可以看到等待校稿的论文了,点击下方的超链接就可以进入下载校稿pdf和上传校稿文件的页面了,还有很多细节可以看 proofing instruction 校稿说明,比较通俗简单 在这里插入图片描述

1.2 上传修正稿

Please use the following instructions to upload your corrected proof: 在这里插入图片描述 下载的校对稿首页内容如下: 校对文章首页

To upload your proof click on the upload proof button in the Author Gateway. This button appears in the Task Alert column of the Article Tracker indicating that the article is with you for review. During this time the upload proof button will also be available on the Article Status and Milestone page. Once you have reviewed your proof and made necessary changes, you can click on this button to upload your proof file. When you click on the upload proof button, a separate window will open. You will be able to:

1.Browse and select your updated proof 必选项

2.Browse and select supplemental files 可选项

3.Provide comments to the IEEE staff editor 可选项 在这里插入图片描述 提醒内容:在点击提交之前,请仔细检查页面校对(并与所有作者协调);在文章以最终形式在线/印刷出版后,将不接受额外的修改或更新。在发送您的作者校对更正之前,请检查作者姓名和所属单位、资金以及整个文章是否有任何错误。您的文章已经过同行评审,被接受为最终版本,并寄给了IEEE。根据您的出版物的编辑服务水平的要求,文章的主要部分没有进行文字修改。

When you have finished selecting your files and adding comments, please click on the upload proof button. All files will be uploaded and the status will change to In Final Production. 上传后状态会改变

Please note that your proof may be uploaded only once. Once your proof has been uploaded, the upload proof button will no longer appear. If you need to make further changes, you must contact your IEEE staff editor. However, you can upload supplementary files and send comments as often as necessary from the Add File/Comments section on the Article Status and Milestone page. 只能上传一次,以后要改只能联系负责你稿件的编辑员了,所以一定要在这次校稿时认真看一遍稿件按照要求校对必要的信息

在这里插入图片描述 然后就不能改了 在这里插入图片描述 主控面板上的生产状态也改变了 在这里插入图片描述

IEEE Author Gateway URL: https://authorgateway.ieee.org/

If you are having trouble accessing the above URL, please make sure that you have captured the entire URL. If you are still having trouble, please contact [email protected] with the following information, along with a description of the problem:

Article title: paper title Journal acronym: JBHI Article DOI: 10.1111/JBHI.year.number Manuscript Number: JBHI-11111-year

If you have any problems or questions regarding this proof, please contact your IEEE Staff Editor, Shannon Campos, at [email protected].

Thank you,

Name Journals Production Manager 期刊制作负责人 [email protected] +1 111 111 1111 IEEE Publishing Operations 出版社业务部


Authors: Please check and confirm whether the name of the corresponding author is correct as set. • Authors: Carefully check the page proofs (and coordinate with all authors); additional changes or updates WILL NOT be accepted after the article is published online in its final form. Please check author names and affiliations, funding, as well as the overall article for any errors prior to sending in your author proof corrections. Your article has been peer reviewed, accepted as final, and sent in to IEEE. No text changes have been made to the main part of the article as dictated by the editorial level of service for your publication. • Authors: Please check ALL author names for correct spelling, abbreviations, and order of first and last name in the byline and affiliation footnote. • Authors: We cannot accept new source files as corrections for your article. If possible, please annotate the PDF proof we have sent you with your corrections and upload it via the Author Gateway. Alternatively, you may send us your corrections in list format. You may also upload revised graphics via the Author Gateway. • Authors: Please note that once you click “approve with no changes,” the proofing process is now complete and your article will be sent for final publication and printing. Once your article is posted on Xplore, it is considered final and the article of record. No further changes will be allowed at this point so please ensure scrutiny of your final proof. • Authors: Unless invited or otherwise informed, a mandatory Excessive Article Length charges will be incurred if your article is over the page limit set by the society in the Information for Authors.


作者。请检查并确认通讯作者的名字是否与设定的一样正确。作者。仔细检查页面校对(并与所有作者协调);在文章以最终形式在线发表后,将不接受额外的修改或更新。请在寄送作者校样修改稿之前,检查作者姓名和所属单位、经费以及整个文章是否有错误。您的文章已经过同行评审,被接受为最终版本,并寄给了IEEE。对文章的主要部分没有做任何文字上的修改。。。。作者。请检查所有作者姓名的拼写是否正确,缩写是否正确,以及名字和姓氏的顺序是否正确。缩写,以及名字和姓氏的顺序。作者。我们不接受新的源文件作为你文章的更正。如果可能的话,请在我们寄给你的PDF校稿文件上加上你的更正,并通过作者网关上传。另外,你也可以将你的列表的形式发送给我们。你也可以通过 "作者通道 "上传修改后的图片。作者。请注意,一旦你点击 “批准无改动”,校对过程就完成了,你的文章将被送去最终出版和印刷。一旦你的文章被张贴在Xplore上,它就被认为是最终的文章的记录。此时不允许再做任何修改,所以请确保仔细检查您的最终校对。作者。除非被邀请或另有通知,否则如果您的文章超过Xplore规定的页数,将被强制收取超长费。如果您的文章超过学会在 "作者须知 "中规定的页数限制,将产生强制性的文章过长费。




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